
A full range of investment vehicles.

In connection with the general philosophy of the bank and our approach for selecting direct investments, our internal funds are managed independently and the construction of portfolios remains a reflection of our strong convictions of the moment. While the majority of our peers attempt to maximise on market rises, we believe that the focus should be more specifically on dealing with falls in the markets. This is a position that at times creates opposition (particularly because the basic premise is counter intuitive) but which however has the benefit of reducing rumours and other erratic behaviour. We target an accumulation of capital over time. Moreover, the bank itself invests on its own behalf in all of these funds, which is proof of the alignment of our interests with those of our clients.

Our funds are divided into three principal categories:

Table of Contents

Funds covering a specific market and/or offering a management assistance tool for our client accounts

Bordier Satellite Equity Europe Fund

The fund principally invests its assets in shares listed on European stock exchanges recommended by in-house research activities. The selection of assets is made on the basis of a fundamental analysis coupled with an approach known as ‘Momentum’. The investment strategy is thus to favour securities known as ‘Satellites’, namely securities which have a potential for short/medium-term growth that appears to be greater than their respective sectors. This may be notably justified by a particularly attractive growth in value, a succession of good reports on the business market that have not yet been taken into account by the market, a history of operational reorganisation or improvement or particularly robust fundamentals for the company or its environment.

Bordier Global Emerging Market Fund

Funds invested in emerging country shares by means of a selection of traditional asset managers or passive products (ETF) in the various corresponding geographical areas. The objective is to produce positive relative performance with regard to the MSCI Emerging Market index and, in parallel, to benefit from the strong growth in these countries. The management of the product is active on several levels: 1) The selection of the underlying funds which represent its solid core. 2) The geographical allocation on the basis of the macro-economic convictions of the moment. 3) The horizontal thematic allocation combining our long-term convictions and our selection of the best managers.

Bordier Swiss Equity Fund

Funds invested in emerging country shares by means of a selection of traditional asset managers or passive products (ETF) in the various corresponding geographical areas. The objective is to produce positive relative performance with regard to the MSCI Emerging Market index and, in parallel, to benefit from the strong growth in these countries. The management of the product is active on several levels: 1) The selection of the underlying funds which represent its solid core. 2) The geographical allocation on the basis of the macro-economic convictions of the moment. 3) The horizontal thematic allocation combining our long-term convictions and our selection of the best managers.

  • Bordier CHF Fixed Income Fund
  • Bordier Euro Short-Term Bond Fund
  • Bordier USD Short-Term Bond Fund

Funds are invested principally in short-term bonds. The portfolio is managed actively by comparison to their indexes.

Funds with an extended time horizon

With a defensive connotation, attention is given to the quality of the model of the companies chosen, independently of the usual reference indexes.

Bordier US Select Equity Fund

The fund principally invests its assets in the shares listed on NYSE and NASDAQ. The composition of the portfolio is based on criteria leading to a selection of values having one or more competitive advantages that will generate growth higher than the market and/or good resistance in the event of a market correction. The selection of companies places particular attention on the safety margin, the management quality, the credit ratings and the risk of valorisation intrinsic to and inherent in the company’s industry. Finally, we invest as an “owner” of the companies held in the portfolio with an extended period of holding.

Bordier Core Holdings Europe Fund

The fund only invests in securities of European companies which correspond to the Bordier “Core Holdings” definition and criteria. We consider that this approach proposes an investment opportunity with a potential that is greater than the market average, since it is based on a long-term perspective. The “Core Holdings” concept relies on the quality of the economic model of the target companies, as opposed to an index type of management. The quality of the economic model is measured by the growth potential and its resilience, high and stable margins and proportionally low capital intensity, all of which generate high and positive free cash-flow over the economic cycles and a high return on capital employed which is always higher than the cost of the capital, thus guaranteeing the creation of value over time. The companies selected must, moreover, present a favourable balance sheet to the shareholders, but with a moderate level of indebtedness, in order to avoid any tension during cycle downturns. Even if the list of companies comprising the fund is not required to comply with any sectoral or index allocation, the investment policy we follow complies with the principle of diversification and distribution of risks.

Asset allocation funds

  • Bordier Prévoyance Individuelle 25
  • Bordier Prévoyance Individuelle 40

These are balanced funds for the allocation of assets valued in CHF, for which the strategic shares portion is 25% and 40%, respectively. All of the analysis and research skills of Bordier & Cie are devoted to this. As a matter of fact, the investment committee decides on the asset allocation while the implementation, either directly or through third-party funds, results from the choice made by the responsible analysts. Moreover, while holding at least 50% in CHF, it offers a diversification that is both geographical and monetary. Thus, the management is active at several levels (classes of assets, currencies, placement funds, direct investments) and the reference universe is the OPP2.

The content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis for any decision to purchase or redeem investments in any Bordier funds. The views and information expressed on this website do not constitute and may not be relied upon as constituting any form of investment advice or inducement to invest, and prospective investors must obtain appropriate independent professional advice before making investment decisions

Bordier Funds

BO Fund IV

BO FUND IV has carefully assessed the requirement of Article 6 of the SFDR and has decided not to take into account the long-term risks in its investment decisions, as well as the results of the assessment of the probable effects of the risks in sustainability on the performance of the financial product.


UK reporting status

Swiss domiciled Funds


External Funds

In addition to our “shares” research and the management of our own funds, we also carry out a selection of (traditional or alternative) external funds:

Through a coordinated approach

By means of a coordinated approach by our specialised teams in Paris, Singapore, Geneva, London and our partner in New York.

A global and horizontal coverage

A global and horizontal coverage of various classes of assets, but the element of proximity remains paramount.

A quantitative approach

A qualitative and quantitative approach that covers “business” risks, the investment approach and performance analyses as well as the human factor.

The principle of common sense

The common sense principle is applied at all times throughout the process, which allows us to maintain some perspective.

‘Best in class’ approach

The result is a selection from an extended investment universe concentrated on funds based on convictions that are not widely indexed and which generate strong added values. A true concern only to keep the best (the “best in class approach”).
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The content of this Site is provided for information only and shall not under any circumstances be construed as representing advice, an offer, a recommendation or an invitation to buy or sell shares in collective capital investments (referred to below as the “Investment Funds” or the “Funds”) or any other investment product.
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The Investment Funds to which reference is made on the Site are registered at the very least in their country of origin and in Switzerland. Any offer, sale or delivery of units in other countries is governed by the legislation applicable in those countries. In particular, the units have not been and shall not be registered under the Securities Act 1993 of the United States of America (“Securities Act”) and therefore cannot be offered, sold or delivered to US persons.

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Units in the Investment Funds and SICAVs (mutual funds) described in more detail in the list of “Funds” are only distributed publicly in the countries where these Investment Funds are authorised for distribution to the public. Some subfunds/classes of these Funds are intended for qualified investors only. It is the User’s responsibility to consult his advisers and the sales restrictions relating to the products in question.

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